The main task of Sri Lanka Air Force, Trade Training School Ekala is to provide formal training for all SLAF Trades. The airmen and airwomen who successfully complete their Initial Combat Training at SLAF Diayatalawa are sent to this Station for training in their respective trades. The training is conducted by the lodger formation Advanced & Specialized Trade Training School ( A & S TTS) which has the provision to accommodate more 600 trainees.
The courses include Basic, Advanced and Specialist Trade training courses. A & S TTS is equipped with modern laboratories for conducting training for both technical and non-technical trades. The administrative, logistical and infrastructure support required for training is provided by the Station. The office of Chief Recruiting Officer ( CRO) is also located within this Station. CRO is responsible for recruiting Officers and others ranks to the SLAF.
SLAF Trade Training School Ekala was established by the RAF and was later handed over to R.Cy.AF. A significant event in the history of this Unit was the opening of an Electronics &telecommunications Maintenance Unit on 2nd January 1971. Operating on a three-pronged basis (Technical Wing, Administrative Squadron and Landline Flight), the unit was responsible for installation and maintenance of airborne & ground radio systems, telecommunications & landline equipment, air traffic communications, radio navigational aids and other electronic apparatus in the R.Cy.AF.
This Station also trained required personnel, and provided Signals detachments at RCyAF formations. This was later shifted to SALF Base Ratmalana and renamed as Electronics& Telecommunications Wing. On 16th January 1993, the Advanced and Specialized Trade Training School was relocated to Ekala from Katunayake. This staion is commanded by Group Captain Muditha Mahawattage.