Sri Lanka Volunteer Air Force (SLVAF) was formed in 1971 vide Extraordinary Gazette No. 14, 953/18 dated 14 April 1971. The purpose of the Volunteer Air Force is to absorb personnel into the organization to fulfill urgent requirements and mobilize in specialized as well as in other areas on a temporary basis to supplement the regular cadre.
Basic requirements for a person to be enlisted in the SLVAF are that he/she being a citizen of Sri Lanka and over 18 years of age. The educational qualifications and professional qualifications are determined by the Commander of the Air Force as required. Applicants have to pass a Medical examination and a fitness test in addition to the interviews.
Every person who is commissioned or enlisted to the Volunteer Air Force has to undergo a specified training course to suite the SLAF requirements since they are a part and parcel of the uniformed staff of the SLAF. The duration and the nature of the training is determined by the Commander.
The Officers are commissioned in the rank of Pilot Officer or higher, generally based on the educational & professional qualifications and the experience they possess. A commissioned officer of the SLVAF shall be on probation for a period of one year.
Airmen/ Airwomen are initially absorbed to the Sri Lanka Volunteer Air Force for a period of 5 years and their service is extended by block of periods of 5 years at a time until he/she reaches the age of 50 years. The service may be further extended until Airmen/ Airwomen reaches the age of 55 years with the recommendation of the Commanding Officer of the Airman/Airwoman concerned, provided he/she holds a rank of Corporal or above and is medically fit.
The members of the Volunteer Air Force take precedence after the members of the Regular Air Force personnel in terms of seniority.
The regulations relating to pay, pensions and gratuities applicable to the members of the Regular Air Force are applicable to SLVAF members as well. Members of the SLVAF are eligible to a gratuity after an aggregate of 10 years of mobilized service and to a pension after 20 years of mobilized service in respect of the officers and 22 years of mobilized service in respect of other ranks.

Regulations relating to Leave and Holiday Warrants which are applicable to Sri Lanka Regular Air Force Members are applicable to the members of the SLVAF as well. Among other benefits, maternity leave applicable to the Government female officers shall be applicable to the female members of the Sri Lanka Volunteer Air Force as well.
Retirements, resignation of commission, withdrawal of commission etc applicable to the officers of the Regular Air Force as provisioned in the Air Force Act will be applicable to the Volunteer Officers, mutatis mutandis unless otherwise specifically stated.
The Airmen/Airwomen are allowed to discharge from the service, demobilize or go on Compulsory Leave Without Pay (CLWP) for short periods of time subjected to the exigencies of service.