Medical Clinic and Renovation Programme at Othnapitiya Primary School
12:50pm on Saturday 14th December 2013
A medical clinic, renovation and construction programme was held successfully on 12th December 2013 at Othnapitiya Primary School Nelundeniya Warakapola as a part of Dayata Kirula development programme. It was conducted by the Directorate of Health Services in collaboration with Directorate of Civil Engineering and Seva Vanitha Unit of the Sri Lanka Air Force as a part of their responsibilities towards civil society.

The overall coordination of the renovation and construction project which was commenced on 21st November 2013 and the medical programme was done by SLAF Station Mirigama. The clinic offered free Medical service including Surgical, Medical, Dermatological Consultation and other investigatory facilities, Eye screening, Physiotherapy, Psychological and counselling. Eight Medical Officers, Nursing and Paramedical staff participated in the event.

A health education programme was also conducted at the assembly hall for the civilians. Six hundred civilians were treated and nearly two hundred newly detected patients with medical conditions were referred to the respective specialists for further management. The school children received free school books were presented by the Seva Vanitha Unit of the Sri Lanka Air Force. The ceremony also included a graceful performance by the children.

The Chairperson of the SLAF SVU Mrs. Neelika Abeywickrema graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The Director Health Servicers Air Cdre DMS Karunaratne, The Commanding Officer SLAF Station Mirigama Group Captain SCK Pallawela and officials of the SLAF Seva Vanitha Unit and Directorate of Health Services were also present at the ceremony.



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